Thursday 10 May 2012

Sea walking

One of the coolest things that we did on the entire holiday was sea walking. As part of our all inclusive package, we got cupouns for doing it. It involved a giant helmet put on your head, and beacuse of the air trapped in it as you descend, you can breathe. Pretty crazy eh? We had a boat take us out to a floating pier and then we decended. I wont lie, I was a little terrified all at the last second, but once I was down, and got the hang of it, I was absolutely fine. It was so cool to be down there and not have to worry about a snorkle or anything. We saw so many fish, and got to feed them, (bread does not look so nice underwater strangely enough) held sea cucumbers, and took lots of photos (from my impossibly huge smiling so much it hurts face) and even saw Nemo! Which was cool, as when we picked up the coral, they didnt swim away, but stayed near it. I really enjoyed being 5 metres under the ocean. It was such a unique experience, as I havent seen this kind of thing anywhere else!So amazing!

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