Monday 6 April 2015

One off my bucket list: Horse Riding along the Beach

One of the things I was most excited to do in Mexico was go horseriding along the beach. I dont know why, it has just been on my bucketlist. It didn't even have to be in Mexico - just on a horse and a beach! Our hotel arranged everything for us, so after we had been there a few days, one morning we got picked up by a little van and driven - so long! It seemed to go on forever, but we picked up a few other guests from hotels. Eventually we got to this place - it was very touristy, but kind of in a jungle.
I dont know how to describe it - but we got onto this little pickup truck - where we all sat in the back. It was way too unsafe - but so very Mexican. It took us to this corral with a whole bunch of horses. We got helmets and headed off with our guide. I have to say, we weren't terribly well dressed for it -
shorts and sandals, but we made do! We followed our guide into the forest, and then along the beach. It was so beautiful, and deserted too! Eventually we rode all the way along this inlet, where we came to this little beach hut. We were met by this lady who took us out on this big loop
snorkelling - so we could see all the coral and such. Then it was back onto our horses and along the beach. It was such a lovely ride, even though my horse was a little dopey! I still really enjoyed it - and our guide took adorable photos of us!

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