Wednesday 24 April 2013

A London Bus!

We all met and got some breakfast, before waiting at the station for the bus to the aquarium. Its a nice ride, along the sea, which is really very beautiful. Right near the Aquarium, was a London Routemaster bus. In Shimonoseki, there is one which they used to use as a tourist bus around sights in the city. I've never taken it, but I have seen it driving once. Instead, it seemed to be parked near the aquarium. To be honest, I love red buses, although I barely have ridden on in London, and if I have, they are much more modern versions. James and I found one in Nagoya (which was a cafe) and this one, and both were vintage versions, in great condition. I love how beautiful it was and it made me miss London so much! The girls and I took turns posing in front of it because I was as excited as a little child! I cant wait to go back and see them all the time!

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