The time for water sports activities wasnt very long, and I had put it all off untill the very last day! So in the end, I booked Sarah and I to go on the bannana boat. It was so much fun. I needed to be on the water, it really completed the holiday by doing something fun. If I had known it was so fun I would have done it at least once more before

we left. We enjoyed the bannana boat, and then I decided to be really brave and go parasailing. Yes, me, parasailing. I am definitely not a person who goes and does things like that. But I had watched people for so long, that I knew I needed to do it. I couldnt possibly leave without doing it. And I wont lie, it was the single most amazing feeling being up there in the air, nothing weighing you down, the wind lifting you up. It was over too soon and it was such a beautiful view, over the sea. It was perfect.
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