You know when you have one of those OMG moments? This was certainly mine. After a while of exploring the park, seeing the elephants, I wasnt quite sure what to do. All that was left to do was have the lunch, which was included, and then head back home. A lot of people had already started heading home,

and I was just kind of wandering. And then it was feeding time. I was told that the elephants can eat up to 300kg of food a day. They brought out these big British style bins full of chopped up...thick tree trunch plant thing. It looked like it was bamboo but Im sure it wasnt. And what was great, is that the elephants would simply plut their nose out, scoop it up and feed themselves. And boy, were they greedy. Some of them would take everything that was in your hand, so I started feeding them one by one, but they would still

want more! After a while, I was the only person feeding them, and I must have been feeding 6 or 7 elephants! I tried to be fair, but if I forgot someone, they certainly let me know, by reaching over with their trunk and taking some out of my pockets! Sneaky! After being ridden, the trainers would bring their elephants over so I could feed them, as I seemed to be having such a good time. I think the trainers felt a little sorry for me that I was all alone, and offered to take some photos of me. The elephants became more and more inquisiative, and

they liked dumping the garlands on my head, and tried to steal my camera a couple times. I did cheat and take some while they were eating! I was quite lucky, they brought over the oldest elephant in the park, who they call King, and he was quite happily in the water. They got him to come up on the ledge, and then he let me sit on his knee! I think it was just another one of those OMG moments!
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