After seeing Snooty, and driving around looking at all the big houses in the area, we ran a few errands, like heading to Publix, the a,axing grocery store, and then visited Josh's family friend. He suggested that we go out to a nearby park. Robinson preserve is some kind of salt

flats area, with lots of tracks for cycling,running, and a nice river and lake for fishing and kayaking on. It wasn't terribly hot, but I really enjoyed our walk. The sun was out, and Florida is really really pretty. Josh and I should make an effort to take more walks, walks with no purpose, just for fun! I didn't get to see that much of Florida while I was visiting, to be honest, but it was just nice to be around Josh while he was doing the normal stuff that we do! In the evening we met up with some of his friends and went bowling which was super fun! I guess I had forgotten what being normal in an English speaking country was all about!
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