In the time that Josh and I have been dating, we have been fortunate to visit a lot of really fun places. We get to travel a lot I'm Japan, all over really, but we've also been lucky enough to go abroad, both together and separately. But Korea was a nice romantic trip for just us together, and something

that I had got to plan for him and so it was mostly a surprise. We had picked up a brochure at the station and it mentioned going to the Grand Hyatt hotel for ice skating. So up we trudged, up this huge huge ( turns out there was a bus), and it was a bit awkward at first, as we weren't hotel guests, mountain but down next to the leisure centre, which had tons of gyms and swimming pools, was an amazing ice rink. I haven't been ice skating since I left England and so now it's been 2 years. I was so excited, and the setting was so beautiful.

The ice rink was great and it was surrounded by chair and heaters and a little cafe, but more spectacularly,it was surrounded by lovely trees wrapped in beautiful white lights. And tons and tons of these little lights. The setting was absolutely magical, and I have to say its easily my most favourite place I have ever visited. We skated for hours, and took lots of photos in the trees, and together on the ice. Then we bought a lovely 12 dollar hot chocolate which has spoiled us for any future hot chocolate ever, and then skated some more! I loved ever single second!
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