I had so much fun in Furano. We made it to the city in not bad timing, and the people who were driving us had done their research and looked up which lavender farm to visit. That farm was obviously the best, because the line of cars snaking down the street was pretty long! We waited almost an hour in the car

to get in, but that was OK, we werent in any rush! Once we got there, I was so impressed - not only was the farm huge, but it was purposely set up for visitors. While it didnt cost anything to get in, there were gift shops and food stands and snacks and restaurants and a museum all over. Trust the Japanese to take something like a farm and make it into a thriving tourist attraction!

There were lots of Lavender fields of course, but there were also some other flowers, like daisies, sunflowers, and lots of different coloured flowers. I really loved the place, and Mikaly and I went around taking photos of the beautiful lavender. I enjoyed the lavender field which was on a hill, because it looked like you were surrounded entirely

by the lavender. It made for such pretty pictures and we had such a nice time taking photos. I was especially pleased to see more dragonflies, they looked amazing against all the purple! We spend a lot of time with the photos, and then got some snacks, especially some cool soda thing that was flavoured with lavender. I loved the gift shop too, because everything smelled so good! I was so glad we had made the long trip all the way up there, as it was definitely a trek, just because the photos were unbelievably worth it.
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