Technically, Shamu is no longer the Killer Whale at Sea World, but the name still sticks, and this is THE show to see at Sea World. We got in about 45 minutes early, and the place was PACKED. I was really glad we got to see it, we even got to see the whale who killed someone last year (very sad actually) so the trainers weren't in the water with the whales, just standing along the edge of the pool,

but the show was great! We even got to see the baby whale who swam around while it's Mum did tricks! I think they said it was the 27th baby whale (sure there is a word for them) which has been born in Sea World Parks, maybe the 17th born in the Orlando Zoo specifically. It was just so adorable! Outside, the sign was a major hotspot for photos, but I couldn't get in front of it for a photo without tons of people in the way!
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