Months and Months ago, our little group from Tokushima (and then Kobe) applied to walk across the Akashi bridge.because someone invited us to apply. So applied as our little group of five, never expecting to be successful. A whole bunch of other foreigner and Japanese English speakers also applied too...

and we didn't hear anything for quite a long while!So it turned out that our group was the only successful group in the end, so the last weekend in September, we all got to meet up again! It was me and Josh, Jake and Risa (his work friend) and Kent. We hadn't seen Kent since our Tokushima trip about 4 months ago, so it was nice to catch

up with him. So we all met up at Akashi, which is in Hyogo station, and where Jake lives. We had a nice lunch at a ramen shop, and then headed over the bridge. It is about 4kilometers in the middle, which is the longest suspension central span in the entire world. It's pretty cool when I think about it! We went to the bottom, and listened to a super, super long safety lecture that we couldn't understand. We got fitted with super......ugly (that's the only word for it!) safety helmets, and off we went. We stuck to the back, so that we could take lots of photos, walk in silly ways, and generally just goof around.

We spend the entire time chatting and talking, and walking, until finally we made it to the end, with a giant hurrah, and had to listen to yet another lecture (on what, we aren't sure!) After that, we visited the gift shop and had a snack and wandered a little around Awaji Island which is where the bridge ended. It was pretty rainy, so we headed back and Josh and I spent Sunday in Osaka, shopping and hanging out. It was so fun, and such a nice relaxed weekend together!