After tasting some crepes, and fighting along the crowds, and having a little rest of our feet, which were killing us, we headed over to the famous Kenroku Koen (gardens).For the two day festival weekend they light up the garden, and allow people to go in at night. Apparenlty they do it also in the winter too. The garden

was huge, and lovely, with a giant lake in the middle, and a nice combination of trees, grass, rivers and flowers. I especially liked these really cool purple flowers which lines the river beds. They were simply amazing, and lit up at night, it seemed like they were almost neon in colour. I didnt have a tripod, so my photos are a little shaky, but I like the blur.

One of the biggest, I guess you might say, "attractions" is this stone lantern with split legs, sitting near a bridge by the lake. It is featured all over the city, on postcards, and everything.We had to line up to see it, which was pretty strange, but there were lots of people there lining up to see this lantern. We saw it, and took a long time taking photos, and then headed to an all-you-can-eat Italian Restaurant that Len and Cori like from home. They we headed back to the hostel for a well deserved rest!